Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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XD *smiles* Which is exactly why you won't do anything too bad...
Mutters. . .. you have the upper hand here, don't you?

Your one FB, doesn't matter, the other. . . .I'd kill your online activity.
Mine. . . .matters because I have everyone one there. . . .

This is scaring me. . . .
Wait, I'm actually winning? Really? Yes, for once! *smiles* *dances around in circles*
I never said that, and no you're not winning. . . . . .
But. . . . .

This isn't a good thing.
*is so winning*

*is liking this*
HOW are you winning?

*doubts you'll do anything bad*

*is a tad uneasy about this*
Because you're not winning, so I'm winning by default.

*won't do anything bad*
That makes no sense.
Yes it does.

Somebody has to be winning. Or, if you don't want to call it winning, somebody has to have the advantage, the upper hand, etc. But it's all the same.
Having the upper hand is different from winning.

I will admit you have the advantage. . . .grudgingly. But there are always times where the underdog wins. And I do not think, should you challenge it, I will lose. You're not, per se 'winning', at all.
*disregards everything you said*

*is winning* *dances*
*rolls eyes*

And that's exactly why/how you'll lose.


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