Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We all make mistakes. :D

I remember that post!
That was you. O.O
*never realized that*


Gotta love how things change.
XD No worries, Fate.
Dude, do you remember some of the braindead posts I made on TH Original? I wasn't too bad by the time I got onto the forums, but.... X_X

And I wasn't braindead in the way I normally am, either, it was.... newbish kinda braindead.
Not really. . . . . .
Oh, god, um.... I can't think of any. *wishes that damned site had archives*

I mostly just did things like all the new THers do (well, anymore TH is a fad, but you know what I mean) except I never had the spelling/grammar problem.... That's one thing I had going for me, I could spell and use my shift key.

But... I can't think of them, but I know there were some bad ones.

Congrats on knowing how to properly use the shift key!

Sadly, this is a feat many cannot handle. >.>

So I've noticed, so I've noticed. Um.... I know I said something, not in the very beginning, but near the beginning, that made you and Tara and a couple others do the online equivalent of giving me a very strange look.... I mean, I did/do this a lot, but this one was different....
Megan - Do you remember what it was? Must've been later if Tara was there.

Fate - Congrats to you as well!
Yeah, this particular one was when Tara was there... Hm.

We still love you Fate.

I miss talking to you over there, too.

It's almost habit to go to MX. . . then I see my lovely 'Sorry Lamp Post, you've been banned' message.
'Tis rather depressing. . . .
XD Nice.

I best be off too.



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