Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Alright, let's post our RL bios here :) . Just put whatever you feel comfortable with, even if it's only your first name or something you like to do for fun. Please, not too much info because there ARE creepers around here >.>

Many of you are my friends on facebook, so you know my full name anyways, but I'll be omitting my last for obvious reasons.


First Name: Alana
Age: 16
Lives: USA.
Loves: This site, reading (<3) dance (my skills are crap, but who cares?) and music. Chocolate. Ok, just... food in general >.> . Clothes/shopping. Shoes. Oh, and trashy TV.
Dislikes: Blink 812.
Hobbies: Speech and Debate and beading. Yes, like the jewelry type. I'll post a bunch of pics of the bracelets I've made someday :)

[Add pic here]

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Name: Jude

Middle Name: N/A

Last Name: Up yours, stalkers.

Age: 16

Birthday: March 2nd, 1994. Yes, the day before Justin Bieber. I'm literally younger than him. Kill me...kill me now.

Loves: Obadiah and Elijah, (my two dogs) the internet, reading, writing, procrastinating, really old video games.

Dislikes: New video games (for the most part) plotholes, Twilight, medication side effects, my new diet, and being a good person.

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, playing video games, running, skiing, dying occasionally.

Pic: No pic for you, chumps.
No pic to satisfy our curiosity? Ah, bummin.

Frack, you're only a few months older than I am.
All pics of me qualify as pornography. I'm that sexy. Posting a picture of my hand on facebook got me banned for pornography. Twice.

HAHA. XD I get that.

Yeah... I'm always shocked for some reason when people are barely older than I am- I'm rather old for my grade... >.>

August baby :D
First name: Ryan
Middle name:Andrew
Last name: Yates
Age:19, I'm like so much older than most of you, I'm like creeper person... *hides from FBI*
Lives: John Abbott's Residence, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC (want to party? Come on down, except for the next two weeks, silent hours for finals.
Loves: Jaroslav Halak, Supernatural, Reading, Video games, Slashing up teh fandoms, provoking people (mainly my sisters), jelly bellies, >.> teh anthroporn (bewarez). Glee... >.>

Chord Overstreet, a far better addition to Glee than Darren Boring.
Dislikes: Creepers, people who sit around drinking awesome shooters and listening to awesome music and soaking in each others awesomeness.
Hobbies: Arts, and technology >.> but they don't mix much.
Stalk Me!:
elsewheres I appear:
Me, I think I just broke Nathan's thread.

Nice goggles. xD

Sam > Blaine. Darren > Chord.
Y'know, when I found you on FB, I felt all stalkerish.
Posts like this kill that.. . . .
I'm sorry I'm a buzzkillington.


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