Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Fears, Phobias, or whatever else you want to call them?

So I know we've had loads of discussions like this on MX, but my friend just asked me what I'm afraid of, so it got me thinking. List any fears you might have here, let's see if we get anything interesting. Here's mine:

1) Humanity as a whole.
2) Things that aren't properly organized, stacked, lined up, etc.
3) The fear that somebody I care about will hate me.
4) The sound that you hear when a fork scrapes against porcelain.
4a) Fingernails on a chalkboard.
4b) Fingernails on the side of a car.
5) Envelopes.
6) General anesthesia.

You have any interesting (or maybe normal?) ones? This thread does better on a place like MX where you have a bunch of randoms, but since, you know, I'm eternally banished from that accursed place... 'kay, I'll shut up now. Just reply and make me feel like less of a loser.

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I remember one.

Being incredibly annoying and no one telling me. v.v
Oh my god. That is my LIFE, right there. *worries about that constantly*

.....And, you're not annoying. Trust me. If you were, we'd let you know. *hypocrite*
Ah, neither of you are at all annoying.

*always feels annoying* *just generally has hate issues, though*
1) Spiders
2) Bad grades
3) Hitting my head on the side of a pool
4) Insects.
1. not being able to see
2. bees
3. falling
4. making dissions (idk how to spell)
5. (cannot think of other, but knows there's more)

Are you new?

Hi! I love you! We can be friends. Yeah. We should totally be friends. You see why new people are scared of me?
You're just too wonderful for them, Fishums.
yeah, pretty much
not new to ning sites but here kinda
(it's complicated called i was on here before, got fed up that no one was doing anything, didn't come on here in a while, forgot about this site, remebered it today when i was bored, thought "oh, maybe i should go back on", and here we are now)
Hm. Are you on MX? Or TTS?
Mmhm, recently, or like.... uh, pre-September?
seriously? oh well, i was just around without an account for a loooong time
2.Randomly dropping dead.
3.My wonderful computer being taken away! D:
4.Being stabbed in the eye.
5.No access to books.
7.CAPS ABUSE. lack of punctuation or capitalization
9.txt spk


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