Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Alright, let's post our RL bios here :) . Just put whatever you feel comfortable with, even if it's only your first name or something you like to do for fun. Please, not too much info because there ARE creepers around here >.>

Many of you are my friends on facebook, so you know my full name anyways, but I'll be omitting my last for obvious reasons.


First Name: Alana
Age: 16
Lives: USA.
Loves: This site, reading (<3) dance (my skills are crap, but who cares?) and music. Chocolate. Ok, just... food in general >.> . Clothes/shopping. Shoes. Oh, and trashy TV.
Dislikes: Blink 812.
Hobbies: Speech and Debate and beading. Yes, like the jewelry type. I'll post a bunch of pics of the bracelets I've made someday :)

[Add pic here]

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They're jealous. End of story. <3
First Name: Katherine
Last Name: It's a fruit, but with an extra "l"
Age: 17 (as of about a month ago)
Lives: In teh 505, Nuevo Nuevo Mexhico! fail
Loves: Writing, music, singing badly, running websites, sleeping, eating, sitting on my ass, computers, Mountain Dew, Seinfeld
Dislikes: Most human beings, math, Justin Bieber, needles, moving, driving in rush hour, allergies, stalkers (xD)

Meh facey (if you've been studiously ignoring my profile picture):

Elvis is touching me, that fuckin' hypocrite....xD
0_0 You're very pretty! :D
Thanks! :D
... :O


YOUR NAME IS SO CUTE! I've always liked the name Taylor for a girl :D Even when the other Taylor's got big >.>
How's the oboe going for you?
*offers tea*

XD Is it much harder than the flute?
I play oboe too! *high fives* there's a crappy recording of me running through the first movement of one of the Handel concertos towards the bottom of my playlist xD I love the oboe. Totally awesome instrument.
Another oboe player!

The oboe is win. Beyond win.
First Name: Maria (I hate it. 1/2 of the women in my family are named Maria.)
First Middle Name: Fernanda
Age: 16
Lives: In SoCAl, USA.
Loves: Internet, reading, friends (<3), chocolate, shopping, cute things, horses and more horses.
Dislikes: Coldness, homework, school in general...
Hobbies: Horseback riding, reading, shopping. Archery. :D


(Just making it clear that I did not choose that name. Call me Silver or else. >:D )

Yes. This is an older picture. See my hair? It goes beyond the picture frame. :D
-Loves, loves, loves the name Maria. And any variation thereof. Yes Lamp, that means your name even if it isn't that similar. :D -

Oooh, shiny medals in the back.


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