Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

We need a place to talk and brag about HeartGold and SoulSilver, which technically isn't allowed in Pokemon Fan Club. Yeah, we could do that on "What are you doing right now?", but here it'd be on topic.

I searched and didn't find one. Feel free to yell at me if this isn't okay.


2/19/11 EDIT: I changed the title to allow for Black/White stuff. OCDness I guess.

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So Extremespeed isn't an egg move...I must raise a female Growlithe to breed to Faoris for Crunch and Heat Wave, make sure I have TM 35 so I can teach the hatchling Flamethrower, and then I need a Firestone so it can learn ExtremeSpeed.

First, though; research on beneficial natures and what I should be EVing for.
Arcanine learns ExtremeSpeed at 39. and nothing after that.

Growlithe learns Flamethrower at...oh. 34. I thought it learned it in in its 40s.
Taking into account what you said on FB:

You forget that I have unused TMs lying around across several games, and money to buy more without endangering the economics of any of the games. Trading a TM over is no more of a problem than trading a Heart Scale over is.

Anyways, it's a moot point because I'll breed Arcanine for Heat Wave and Crunch, raise the resulting Growlithe to 34 so it learns Flamethrower, and then evolve it before 39 so it learns ExtremeSpeed. So I only spend money on the Firestone from FireRed.
Is Wiscash that the one you caught in the Safari Zone the other day? And wow, you really really like Ice Beam.

@Endreia:...XDDD *gigglespaz*
Anyone know at what level the EVs "settle"? *bored*

Just because you're too lazy to EV...
Why did I ever abandon this? I want to start ranting about my current team.

*Has a team of all Eevee evolutions*  They're mah babies.  I brag about them all the time.

EDIT:  Black and White in less than a month.  Cannot.  Wait.

Mid-sixties.  I traded 'em from Pearl near the beginning of the game, when they were somewhere in the twenties.
You have dedication. I tend to focus on one to train after passing the game. Like right now I'm raising an EVd Garchomp.
That sounds pretty epic.  And they were pretty much my only team throughout the game, so I didn't have to train them obsessively.  I was sad at first, because I had to leave one out (went with Espeon, the psychic one.)
Yes, brag please.


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