Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I was just wondering - how many of you are in College? And if not, where are all of you going? I myself am staying here and going to UNM (University of New Mexico) in January, since I'm graduating from High School early. (I don't see any point in going out of state for your undergraduate degree. It's cheaper to stay in state, and you'll get roughly the same education with little to no debt at the end. Plus, New Mexico has the Lottery Scholarship, and with that, College is looking pretty freaking affordable right now.)

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I'm going.

At this point, I'd really love to go to Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, or something of the like. But with my grades. . . . I'll be at BHSU, majoring in business or history.
I've got a bit of time still, but When I go to college I want to go to Hollins in Virginia...
I'm hopefully going, if I live that long.


UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz

BHSU with Lamp and Pyro!
American River Community College, bitches!

Those are in order of how much I want to attend them. The crossed out ones are the ones I've already ruined my chances of getting into.
Black Hills State University. The prerequisites are basically that you have a pulse, and are capable of filling out the entry form correctly.

Probably, yes. That's what happens when you fuck up your GPA. Don't try that. It's bad. Trust me.
You are, are you now, hon?

Brilliant =/= Perfect grades. *points at Lamp* Exhibit A.
*raises hand*

Black Hills is in South Dakota, yes? I might go, if only 'cause it's near my mum's family.
Yes. Ooh, you're the same year as Pyro, too....
Well shit, if everyone else is going there...
Uh, I disagree with you, but I'm honoured at the compliment.

Nathan - Yes, Black Hills is in SD, not too far from Spearfish, I think it's in Rapid City.
Oh my God bitching.

My grandma lives, uh... in Spearfish.

Hell yeah :D
I don't care if you disagree. I'm going to stop trying to convince everyone that they're smart/pretty/wonderful/whatever now. You're all too stubborn to accept a sincere compliment. I'll still say it, but I won't argue anymore.


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