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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

The last thing that Jeb says in ANGEL before he lets go of Gazzy and almost plummets to his death is "The Human Race will have to die to save the planet--just like I'll have to die to save you."


Despite the fact that Jeb survived, I'm wondering why he didn't say "Tell Max I love her."


Is this just JP being boneheaded, or is Jeb a colder person than we thought?

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When in doubt, JP is barely fucking alive. I've known smarter bamboo plants.
Are you sure? Some of the statements in FANG seemed carefully planned enough, and somehow the idea of Patterson not putting thought into Jeb's final words feels lower than anything we've seen out of him yet, even Max's speech to Congress.

I have absolutely no faith in JP's plotting at this point. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


(However, last words making as much sense as "and I'm dying for your sake, schmuck" is odd to me. Usually you're lucky to get "Oh, FUCK".)

(I have yet to read beyond book 5, but here's a thought.)

Maybe it was the last warning and a bit of advice; that their goal isn't to help the humans survive or even to save the world, but to survive themselves beyond the humans.


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