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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Um, so, the title is self-explanatory. It doesn't have to be somewhere you've been, it could be somewhere you've been dying to go. Oh, and please post pics is you have them!

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-Is poor and therefor does not go to nice places-

The Island (this little sort of bench resting area in my old neighborhood. It was about five minutes walk and until fourth grade I wasn't allowed to go, my friends and I always went).

Regina in general. I'd show you the article where my friend and the Duke of Edinburgh planted some grass seeds together way back in 04 but they link is gone. >.>

So please enjoy this instead enjoy this picture of the Government House, apparently a haunted place that the school made us visit every year.

Saskatoon in general.

Calgary was fun.

So uh yeah, basically any where in the prairies and out of this god forsaken peninsula hell.

Also my all time childhood favourite, Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Oh yeah, giant dinosaurs FTW!

I also wanna go to New York, Hong Kong, Venice, Athens, and Rome and revisit Vancouver. Going to Toronto would be nice too.

You should go to Toronto at Christmas. *nods*
I totally want to. -Nods-

I'll beg. And plead. And then if all else fails threaten. I can't blackmail then into it though.,..
'Twould be lovely...

If your siblings try to steal your spot, feel free to do so. Although, obviously, if your family just isn't going then begging and pleading won't help any, and pushing them prolly isn't recommended...
Twould. Twould. We can be all, "lyk zomg i wen 2 de CN TOWER ystrdy dud u go???" XDD And it'd be all ridiculous and then the other person could be like, "NUUU nut til 2morrow!"

Interestingly enough it'd be my first time there. Ever. Well asides from the ten minute plane transit.
*laughs* Well.. hopefully we can avoid that... And just be like, hey look there's a lovely looking Asian family, I'm going randomly go up and hug their daughter...

*nods* Well, I know there's lots of Australia I haven't seen. XD We can explore it for the first time together ^^ Well... sort of... not really... But, in spirit!
Toronto's China Town is teeming with Asians. Not a good idea. And in general a lot of Asians.... So perhaps ask first?

The thing is everyone else in my family has been there plenty of times... just not me. But exploring in spirit sounds divine!
Um, yeah. I would actually check it was you first. From parents perspective however, that is exactly what it'd look like.

XD Yay!
If I go to Italy, I want to see Venice most of all. Like, ever since I was little I've had this obsession with it.

Watching the boat scene in the Italian job might have had something to do with it.
-Obsession with going to Venice since reading the Book Thief-

For the longest time it was all I ever wanted, to go to Venice and ride in those damned Gondolas. Now only Athens is ahead of it. -Greek Mythology obsessed- Mainly due to the fact that I hate water... Ironic seeing as i live on the coast in a place well known for boat building.
Favourite place I've been is probably Vienna.

And, eh, I'm dying to go lots of places. See as much as I possibly can.
My favourite place is Troyes, in France. It's so incredibly beautiful, and I love France as a whole. The food, the weather, the language, the landscapes... France for the scenery, America for the company and Britain for the outlook on life would be perfect IMO.


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