So I know we've had loads of discussions like this on MX, but my friend just asked me what I'm afraid of, so it got me thinking. List any fears you might have here, let's see if we get anything interesting. Here's mine:
1) Humanity as a whole.
2) Things that aren't properly organized, stacked, lined up, etc.
3) The fear that somebody I care about will hate me.
4) The sound that you hear when a fork scrapes against porcelain.
4a) Fingernails on a chalkboard.
4b) Fingernails on the side of a car.
5) Envelopes.
6) General anesthesia.
You have any interesting (or maybe normal?) ones? This thread does better on a place like MX where you have a bunch of randoms, but since, you know, I'm eternally banished from that accursed place... 'kay, I'll shut up now. Just reply and make me feel like less of a loser.
Killer Ducks.
Zombie Ducks.
'The Prince'
ROCK CLIMBING (this is the only valid fear, actually, and the only one that I can say has been tested).
Long socks
Plan white shirts
Men in short-shorts
The word calm
Pink and yellow boxers
Old ladys in red hats
My sister when she sings
Books with the word 'test' in the title
Hair legs on women over 10
Men with shaved arms( bad memory )
Permalink Reply by Xuut on October 29, 2009 at 7:30am
1.) Oil, boiling oil.
2.) Heights.
3.) Large hills when you go down on bikes/roller blades/etc.
4.) Dead people.
5.) Mummified things
6.) Being 100% hated by someone who isn't related to me
7.) Very big bugs.
8.) Gross things.
*sigh* I do say so.Almost getting kicked out of my own house, I have the possiblity that I may go to Juvie with in the next month and I lost the love of my life because of my fucked up problems. Okay? Not the best fucking day in the world.....