Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

The posts control the Ad's.

Try it!

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*Is not a gaming geek*

*Has a brother that has just gotten into Club Penguin.*
I've been to
It's not a nice place
I shall never go back there...
What? Why? I wanna go see!
...It's such a scary place...

But it sound like... fun?

Wait, why is is scary?
They have all of these, banned people, like Hitler, it's so scary...and they're all violent, like they want to kill you all the time...
It's like the worst parts of the internet in one /b/ without the lulz...
It's like all of the scariest people you've ever met, all in one place...
No Lulz?

No lulz! Just people fighting and hating on the Jews
Seriously? o_0


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