Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

All the published MR books, in a convenient place.

Inoticed that Xuut managed to get her hands on pdfs of books 1-5, but since we reference these things fairly often, I thought some of you might prefer this as a separate item, so that you don't have to go searching through pages of thread to find them

UPDATE: Books 6 and 7 too! Way to go Xuut!

Book 1  TAE

Book 2 SOF


Book 4 TFW

Book 5 MAX

Book 6 FANG (Note, every other page is blank)

Book 7 ANGEL (Note, super-huge font, you may want to zoom out)

Summaries, if you're too shy to ask one of us or not in the mood to deal with WIkipedia.

Again, credit goes to Xuut for digging these up.

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Featured. This is awesome.



Again, credit goes to Xuut.
I might be able to type up/scan FANG for convenience.
I was downloading Fang but never actually got to get it done. And now I can't download because we have to pay per GB/s we download so... That'd be really awesome.

Especially since I haven't read it yet.
While I must admit it is quite nice, especially since I don't want to be seen having them >.> I was going to say hopefully links for this site don't start popping up on google as having links to download them, but then I remembered that it's set as private, I think. I'mma have to log out and in again and check.

Edit: Yep. No I have to go and check if Patterson has legit copies of his books in e-formats. Or if he's a stuffy writer that refuses because out of the ten that would buy it one would pirate it.

Edit2: Wow, he is, I wasn't actually expecting that. Well fuck you even more Rowling, Patterson has his books in e-format you cheap cashcow bitch with your highly idiotic views on the whole thing, she refused to have them as ebooks they got scanned and pirated. Had she accepted, more money. some pirating, possibly even more buys from the pirates.
If you want...

I've got Harry Potter too.
I think i have them, actually I don't huh. Are they small files? Or just scanlations of the whole thing?

I was going to upload Fang here, but it's in .Epub format instead of .pdf and I figured people that don't have readers or read many books would want to install something something to use it with.


I'll try converting it into PDF with Calibre and seeing how it turns out format wise.

And I present to you, Maximum Ride #6 and #7. 


Apologies for its tardiness. I got lazy. 

And for everyone who doesn't actually want to commit more than an hour reading these (I probably won't) I also found a plot summary that came with these books.  


Due to poor quality of book 6 and 7, I'm gonna look for new ones that suck less.

Does anyone have any other requests?


I have When the Wind Blows and The Lake House if we want them for comparisons. 

I've seen this thread a million times and today was the first time I noticed that 'published' is misspelled in the title.


Amazing English Major I am, right?


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