Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I posted this as part of a discussion on MDW labeled "MR minus fang equals"

"Obviously MR-Fang=42.
It's a pretty common thing:

MR-The Environment=42
MR as is (-0)=42
(Where MR is the Angel Experiment, which is a constant)

The funny thing about this is that, according to the associative property, Max=Fang=The Environment=Fax=0, which is to say that in all these cases, the item being subtracted is inconsequentail.

Some things upset this though.
As an example:
Similarly, MR-Plot=8

Which proves why so many of the Antis found MR5 shallow, as the proof suggests MR-Jeb-plot=-12.

And don't get me started with the Anti Theorem:
ter Borcht + Jeb = 42
Which explains why the antis prefer reading slashfic over the recent literature."

The girl who I responded to was actually silly enough to ask me to explain the Anti Theorem. So, I gave the following proof:

Proof of the Anti Theorem:
Given, MR-Jeb =10 and MR-0=42
Therefore Jeb=32, which is to say a large part of the book.
Then, all the antis agree that ter Borcht completes Jeb. This fact is proven time and time again without mathematics, therefore it must be a true statement.
Since MR is a constant, and because it set the tone was also "complete" at that time, it's logical to consider that since MR=Complete and Jeb + ter Borcht =Complete, that therefore MR=(Jeb + ter Borcht)= 42.

Therefore, ter Borcht + Jeb = 42.

Does anyone have any additional theorems, corollaries, or proofs that they wish to add?

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Now that that account's been banned, I feel stupid enough to proudly say: Yeah, that was me... and yes, sometimes I troll MX recreationally. I suck at it really hard.
Seriously? I would never have guessed that that was you.
I'm absolutely terrible at pretending not to be myself.

That account was... a loaner from someone else. I think I set a personal record for fastest ban there. Two, three days, if that.
Damn, woman. Well... that was my personal record, though...
Or they just check your method.
I'm willing to bet it was probably something silly, like matching up your e-mail adresses... if mods have access to this information.

Hey, nathan, how much information do mods have access to?
They get emails. At least, mods with complete access do. But you can limit how much they can do. But you can't really sign up with the same email, anyway......
@Ni: was it a real address though? If it was a fake I bet they sent a confirmation e-mail and knew when it bounced.
I know the email you signed up with, and that's about it.
I've had accounts never been approved, just immediately banned, and one was banned within two hours without a post on the forums or anything. >.>
*saw the thread where this started*

'Tis lovely.
I'm too ADD to work it out, but I've got a nagging feeling it involves equating the letters to numbers in some way.
If we look at book 3, following the division of the flock.

From Max's perspective, while she was thinking of Fang, the books plot dynamics didn't really change.

Similarly, from Fang's perspective, while he was thinking of Max, the book's plot dynamics didn't change that much either.

So the involvement of either is inconsequential.

Additionally, they like to think of each other as equals.


Which is also evidenced by the way they affect the plot and react. And since I showed before that each is inconsequential, the proof continues to make sense.


So, considering that we established MR1 as fitting to the DA constant (MR=42), and since k-0=k
42 - 0=42
through the associative property

MR - 0=42

and since Max=Fang=0, again the associative property:

MR - Max=42, MR - Fang=42


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