Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Holy shit. o.O Good job.



Thanks! I was really motivated today at school, and type pretty fast, so would steal 200/300 words whenever I had a free five minutes.



Wow, you're sweeping me under the rug this year! I'm only at 3.8k. Great job, keep at it, and so happy to see you back here!
Don't expect it to last long, haha. Thanks! At 6k now, so I have sufficient padding should I suddenly lose motivation. It's good to be back, but I'm glad I took a break. I'm not sure why I needed one, really, but I feel better for it.
I'm steadily derping along, albeit I am slightly put-off by the site being down now, of all times.
8k. Original goal for tonight was 10k; might see if I can get to 11.
Still beating me. I'm at 5k, but I'm going to see how much more I can pull off tonight.

Nothing yet, but I'll start soon. I have an epilogue to write. Then NaNo begins! (Or rather, I begin NaNo...)


I have plot, I'm not too worried.

First year attempting this.

I'm writing an intentionally over-cliched zombie slasher, and it feels weird to just kind of... write without obsessing over every word and how it affects the structure of every sentence.  Even so, I'm only up to about 1.5k.  *sigh*

Just shy of 7k in two days. I'm going to keep up for another hour though to give myself a jump start on tomorrow's wordcount.
7.5k. That's enough for tonight.
10k. I suspect that the feeling of being mentally drained will kick on by the end of the week, but I would be completely fine if I were this motivated forever. Probably could have reached 11k if I hadn't decided to watch TV for two hours, but what's done is done.


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