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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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...You're on my friends list.


Did you change your name?


Oh, this is Dual/Fake Crowley/Fake Fang, btw.

Me? I've been avengedsevenfold333 in the past. I'm going by Kathryn (or in this case, Avenged) these days everywhere else (UBC, etc). 

I might have friended you on another site. Friend-connections travel over across ning websites.


Were you on TTS, or just MDW?

Just MDW. Got banned a long time ago.


Sometimes, I wonder why I don't give up. Because I've only written just over 2k words, and I should be at 22k today. I need an additional 1000 words a day from the usual daily goal, and it remains that I don't really have the time and I don't really put in the effort. I realize that I spend my time reading books I don't need to and watching British television and wasting away hours on Tumblr and kind-of-but-not-really doing my homework.


And then I read Lemony Snicket's or John Green's pep talk and I am reminded why it is absolutely necessary to write for writing's sake and that though it might take a bit to get into, writing is really fun when I am into it. And so I write for a bit and the character I'd planned to hate becomes the one about whom I care the most.


And then I realize that it's 9:15 and the project I was supposed to have for Friday is still not technically done and I have to write another ten paragraphs for it, not to mention the enormous Western Civ test I have tomorrow for which I am definitely not thoroughly prepared. And instead of doing anything useful, I spent my day half in bed and the rest reading between the book I had to and the book that on a whim I decided to reread. I finished both, but I'm still not done with my homework and I want to write for NaNo but school and my own inescapable laziness are getting in the way.


I need to finish NaNo this year and thank the gods that we have a week long break after this week so that I can devote days to writing instead of watching Merlin, or maybe even both. And this turned into a rant, but fuck it, I'm posting it anyway because I'm pissed at myself and I want to post it. Sorry if you bothered reading this far.

I know how you feel. As of today, U've neglected my major French project, my less-major-but-still-important Social project and math homework. Still 2K behind. 


Also, everyone saying how awesome Skyrim is, isn't helping. 

Last Thanksgiving break I planned to catch up with my novel even though I had run out of plot because it only took me to 15k instead of 50. Then I discovered Doctor Who, watched all five seasons (that were available at that point) in three days or something ridiculous like that, and surprise motherfucker you just wrote 35k of science fiction.

Was having no joy with that story - so got another one.


Also, Write or Die is the shiz.

By joy, I've got 1600 words in less than an hour. Lets keep this going, heh.

So that's 3k, as well as a rough plan. Not bad.



I call that progress. I'm going to see if I can get to 10k tonight.


On the other hand, it's gonna be well over 3000 words a day to get it finished if I don't.


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