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AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Yeah, same here. I ended up giving myself a really bad stress headache, and that's when it all went downhill. (It lasted two days, so I think I got, like, less than 2,000 done within that time period). I'm going to a four hour write-in, so I'm hoping to get over 40,000 today. 


And lucky! I'm a junior in college, so my course load is ridiculous. I also had several important exams to study for, so that didn't help. However, it's now the weekend, and avec beaucoup de caffeine, I shall be victorious against NaNo!

Ouch. :/ Since day five or so I've been accidentally not writing anything for 1-2 days, then writing 5-8k for 1-2 days after that... rinse and repeat. Best of luck, if it hasn't ended yet!


Ahh, yeah. November is a busy month for most people, but for me it's between sports, which would be the only thing to take away form my writing time... It's my mom's birthday weekend, though, so the only time I have to do anything is a four hour stretch starting now while my parents are at dinner. Unfortunately, I have to actually be productive and do homework. Hopefully I'll be able to write a few thousand when I'm done with that.

Hit 40,000! *flood of relief*



26k.Keeping pace with myself from last year.

Skyrim has officially murdered all hope I had of achieving my NaNo goals. Murdered it with fire.

Sorry guys, I'm out. :3


Murdered your NaNo goals? Try life goals. I picked up Oblivion early last summer, and by the time I had to go back to school, I still wasn't done with it.

Oblivion kills your soul. 


"Homework or Oblivion?", "Sleep or Oblivion?", "Friends or Oblivion?", "Food or Oblivion?"


Really the only compromise I could make was, "OBLIVION WITH FRIENDS." They didn't really like it. 


Fucking Elder Scrolls. I am still addicted to Morrowind for god's sake. 

14K and slowly gaining momentum. 

Emotional breakdowns are great. I got at least 1 500 words from my MC describing a dude's death and crying. 


And sadly, this is only the third chapter...  

One of my characters is redundant. I'm removing him, but because I'm not losing word count, he's just going to keep his mouth shut from now on and I'll change the perspective, fix the rest later.

31k, by the way.

Of course as soon as I get close to the end (well, close to the goal) I decide that it's time to be lazy.

Just wrote a quick 500 words but damn I'm tired and don't want to write at 3am if I haven't been writing since 11 already.

I noticed! Gives me more time to catch up. :P


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