Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Best of luck!
XDDD Thanks.

Nov, imao, is the worst month for me. Last year my goal was to stay on track until season started: success. This year, I'm just hoping for 7k.
I completely abandoned my original plot idea. Fuck that, this is an adventure.

Fantasy world, here I come.
2854. Because I totally fail.

Let's blame it on being busy. I can catch up... not this weekend... not Veterans Day... Thanksgiving Break? Sounds like a plan.
4072, bahaha.

I despise military writing. Albeit if I give him a chance to bitch about his boots and the food and the uniform, perhaps Hollis will shut up about it to me... okay, not fucking likely, but still.
So I talked to Chris Baty via Twitter, and he said he was diagnosed with chicken pox in the Littleton hospital. Ahaha.

I am taking great pleasure in scribbling down ideas and character traits on a vague map of my fantasy world. #woogoodtimes
This weekend I'm going to try writing on the way home Friday evening, if I can get 2000 words in three hours and not have it be mindless drabble, then I'm going to screw school, well not really.
I'm over nine thousand!!!!!!!
EDIT: Ten Thousand!
20% done already, and it's just day four! On the flip side, I'm not sure how long my current plot train will run for. I'm Estimating at least another ten thousand words, but I hope it goes on for longer!

I hate you. >br />
OK, so a few years ago I pulled off something like 20 000 words in about four days, but that is no longer within my capabilities.
If I keep this up for the rest of the month, you may hate me at your leisure. At the moment however, I'm seeing a potential roadblock down a-ways, and I'm not sure what will happen at that point, at which your hate will be somewhat odd and pointless.


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