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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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I get to do that as well :\ I am rather a bastard in that way.
Over 23k, and things keep getting weirder. I found myself writing at least three paragraphs regarding the imagery and metaphoric value of marshmallows. A few paragraphs later, another character is observing as the character who was thinking about marshmallows is trying to beat down a door in an attempt to kill someone else. With her teeth.

Yeah, it's one of those novels.

Shortly I'll be into unknown territory, past the point that I'd done extensive planning for, and almost purely making things up as I go along. Should be fun.
That sounds awesome.

I've been winging it from the beginning, myself -- I planned out the other two stories fully, but not this one.
I mean, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do...the day before NaNo started. You've been completely improvising? That's impressive.
Yep. I had character names, but not much else.
Broke 10 000, going to flesh out the end of the scene before calling it a night.

Tomorrow: gore, gore, gore, with a main character getting wrist-deep in guts.

Setting a challenge for tomorrow: hit 12500 or more.
25k, just as I ran out of as far as I'd initially considered the plot. But it's fine now, I have so much other stuff to talk about.

Still though, halfway there!

*so jealous*
600 words to go until my target for today, and I'm going to see if I can wring a little more out of myself before bed.

On the tl;dr side: goddamn this chapter is a monster, but it all fits together in an idea way. Also gore, gore, gore!
Pushed myself all the way to 13000 before quitting for the night. Morning. Whatever.

I wouldn't kill for fanart of the scene I just wrote, but I might maim. It's so wonderfully cinematic. Fifth of the way through his story arc and we begin to see hints of Schneider falling apart.

For the first time, I feel like this is gonna rock when it's done :>

tl;dr: derp derp augh *falls over*

Anyway. Goal for... um... the 12th / tomorrow / fuck you: 15000 at least, hopefully somewhere closer to 17000. If I feel masochistic I'll try for 20000.
1/100dth done. And in a quarter hour, too. :D It's nothing to be proud of, but I'm happy for now.

My characters are, at the moment, a female antichrist, a male demon and his gay angel lover.

So yeah. Totally ripping off GO. Regardless, I'm proud of what I'm doing. It's a unique story, even if it does share some elements with GO.
I have a character somewhat similar to Crowley, but he's a lazy overlord rather than a demon. And he also has a gay lover. >.>


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