Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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My narrator is disarmingly smartassy. Quit with the German already.
Last night I typed about 7000 words on write or die.

Then I fell asleep.

While kamikaze mode was still going. When I woke up, half of the words were GONE. Dammit. D:
Final word count for the month is 51903. :D Estimated six or so chapters before the plot wraps up. So...pretty good. *content*
Calling it quits at 31000.

I could probably push it to 37000 if I tried, but fuck it.
I suppose this means NaNo is over. Congrats to everyone who was in it this year!
Hey, congrats to the people who made it! :)


Starts in another week and a half. Any of you folks writing this year?

Yes. Definitely.

Not a clue for plot line yet, but I'm a tad preoccupied.


Upside though would be that this my school started a creative writing club. And we're all doing it together. ...or rather, we're all doing a separate novel but we're pretty much being each other's support group. I give almost all of them a week. GermanSam is the only one I have faith in.

Yes. The shows are timed perfectly this year. Shows tomorrow through Saturday, then we have basically all of November before we start work on the comedy.
Yes. :D Plot and everything and I'm going to speak to my IB co-ordinator to see if it counts for my CAS hours as well. 

I even dragged a few friends into this. My greatest concern is my friend once again whining about how many words she is behind or saying that she's failing all her classes (again) or that her friends all suck (again) and then basically blaming Nano for everything. Or someone telling me (again) that I'm unoriginal or a "poser" (yes, apparently I'm not a REAL writer) because my idea doesn't suit their taste. 

All of that aside, I'm very, very, very excited for this.
Yes. :D


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