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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

AKA come write 50 000 words in a month. It's fun, I promise. (Moar info here.)

So, any other NaNoers here? (I'm Artaxiad Prescott.)

If so, got a plan yet? What's your novel about?

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Calling it a night at just over 15 000 words. Plans for tomorrow... 10k in five hours. Technically, I'm perfectly capable of it. Can I do it without committing a mass murder / lighting my hand on fire / having a mental breakdown?

Good question.
Writing about horses. This was so inevitable. ._.

Need exactly 14k to officially catch up for tomorrow today. This means I have to get up in the morning, and actually write.

Absolutely fabulous. :D

Although I'm thinking my story has issues. There's one normal girl. She is a kind of minor character. Everyone else is mentally unstable and screwed up. Minus a couple of people, but they get mentioned a couple of times tops. This girl gets a /scene./ Hell, the plot revolves around the screwiness of everyone. >.> I'm awful.
10k. Dream sequences ftw.

Excellent for torturing the lusty little bastard.
Pissed, because the time I would have spent doing NaNo today is under attack by my school obligations.

Good thing I have a huge buffer in place, and Temple U may have a write-in this week that I may/may not attend.
Wrote about 1400 words...for school.
It's 1AM. NaNo can wait until Tuesday afternoon if need-be, when this bastard of an English paper is done.
Wrote 330 words and kicked myself past the 30k mark, to feel like I accomplished some thing.

And now, bed.

Didn't hit my goal yet. Kind of depressed. Work on it tomorrow. Probably.

Hoping I can get 20k by tomorrow. >.>
Recently passed word 33,333, which means that I'm 2/3 of the way done!
Funny. In most books that involve young adults, they first get sent to school or some other main institution by the one quarter mark. In my book, this is first happening at the 2/3 mark. Yes, this is also the character that was having metaphoric thoughts about marshmallows and tired to kill someone with her teeth.
50k to go! Woot!
Stopping for the evening 70 words short of 35k. I think I might just be able to drag this out long enough to get the next 15k words.


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