I don't have that many ideas. I'm just sending one character in a general direction, and piling up characters around her who are just trying to figure out what the hell happened.
Mostly it's a cop and an investigator blurting bizzare theories to try and explain a bunch of murders. In the last passage I wrote, the two competing theories were "psycho-teen" and "B-movie sci-fi monster plotline." Before that it was "closet bear trainer" and "rogue seeing-eye dog." Once you start thinking about how to puzzle out a crime scene, the words pile up really fast.
So far he's only gotten to "my boots don't fit and the weather sucks and my uniform sucks", but I actively look forward to "holy shit I just cut off a man's ARM", "there is no way a BULLET can do that much damage", and other flavors of "I'm a chemist, not a doctor" shenanigans.
Then again, when I try to write action, it seems to pass by really quickly. It's when the folks are pondering before and after the fact that I feel that I have the most to say.
I'm looking forward to it, in a way :\ Once I shut him up and lay the ground of everyone's backstory in this war, they'll probably leave me alone long enough for me to go back to my original plan... teeth-grittingly slow-moving intrigue, where the entire first book is devoted to getting all the chess pieces to where they need to be.
Permalink Reply by Dual on November 5, 2010 at 11:05am
Permalink Reply by Xuut on November 5, 2010 at 1:46pm
Playing with a crack-pot Fantasy idea that may-kind-of-sort-of being stealing from that Anime Full Metal Alchemist.
Only I really hate guns, so I'm working to get rid of those. Maybe. Might thrown them in to the villains for them to screw with the protagonists just because.