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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Okays everyone knows how cute angel is right? but she personally freaks me out!
i wanna know why in every story that has a small person, they are like evil in some way! alice cullen, and angel are brilliant examples!
they like freak me out big time dudes!
what do you think? does angel freak anyone else here?

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hehe lol. i guess, and it is reli cliche, but...its pretty weird that she gets all the powers? right? i mean she can read ppl's minds, breath under water AND talk to fish. PLUS she can not only read, but also controls a persons mind. i mean theres a bit where she actually controls the presidents mind! i mean how weird is that?
The amount of powers she has now is very annoying.
Ay, if you get too powerful not only do you lose the relatability aspect, but there's no fun anymore, you don't want to read about someone who can just click they're fingers and have everyone bowing down to them, where'd the fun be in that?
Sure, if I met a little girl that could control people I would sprint right on out of there. She's the perfect candidate for playing "evil little girl" in any scary movie. I say we kill the character off? Create some drama? I jest. Mostly....
Angel would only creep me out if she started controlling my mind
That would creep me out to, considering the last person who attempted that ended up in a loony bin.

God damm it Seb...
*decides to tell you anyway*

Seb is one of the characters from the novel I'm publishing, Hannah's one of the few people I let proof read my writing, mainly because she adds the comedy aspect to my books. I write very 'deeply' and so I tend not to add in little snip bits of fun.
However Hannah will read my work and then say something hilarious which will have us both in fits of laughter for weeks. I then write it down and give her the next chapter XD.

Basically we've got an inside joke about how Seb controls her mind....
It was something about the way she said it that sent shivers down my spine...

Or it could have been the fish

XD Classic!

Say 'hi' to Seb for me!
Has anyone here ever watched Sabrina the Teenage Witch? If you havent, you must watch x3
If you have, do you remember her cousin Amanda? Or something like that, I cant quite pinpoint the name...but she was a little nightmare...
Do you mean the original tv show or the animated series that sprung from it? With that damn ugly cat... Salem was sexier when he was a puppet. I seem to remember the cousin from the original (didn't watch the animated), I think it was Amanda... anyway, she was meant to come off as a pain-in-the-ass, bitchy spoilt little fucker, wasn't she? Rather than creepy-powerful? *shrug*
I love Salem as puppet, he was my favorite part of the show!


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