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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Okays everyone knows how cute angel is right? but she personally freaks me out!
i wanna know why in every story that has a small person, they are like evil in some way! alice cullen, and angel are brilliant examples!
they like freak me out big time dudes!
what do you think? does angel freak anyone else here?

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...isolating herself wouldn't make any sense. She already goes out of her way to alienate herself from the others, which is in itself social isolation. She must know that her mind reading disturbs them, and yet she does it anyway.
no i mean, isolate herself inside. to me anyway thatd seem more realistic than running away. an arguement i could throw at you, which i darent not is that edward cullen can read minds, but he cant stop. i think this is the case for angel, she cannot physically not read their minds, just like when they go under water they stop their gills from working. breathing is not something we do voluntarily. so in one sense itd be better if she was still their but her personality died away, leaving an empty shelled mary-sue. and a real person.
Isolating herself inside is what she's already doing at the moment. There's a ton of anguish and grief hiding behind that little smiling face of hers, which is why the screaming crackup would be so appropriate. She is in fact, at the moment, hiding behind the pretense of being a happy 7 year old. Many older teens (girls especially!) do this too by hiding behind different cliques.

I'll agree with you on Angel not being able to control her mind reading capability.

Please don't use the Twilight series as a reference, as all my teachers have been telling me since seventh grade that I must use reputable and respectable-looking sources in arguments. I consider Twilight neither reputable nor respectable looking.
Twilight, is a book, that has been published, and i have been taught to look at all resources, and then weigh up everything. The Twilight saga seemed appropriate to me, as one i was only saying what came up in my mind first, secondly, she's seven years old. at seven no one knows who one else. but at seven you dont care. you want to run, skip, laugh. your a child. i think that Angel is regressing to her childhood. she has missed it. in some aspects i do conquer with you, yes she puts on a face, but at seven it is harder to deal with things; at seven for example i was more worried that my parents found out i had h/w to do...whereas as an older teenager there are more things that you worry about.
just as an observation.
although i must disagree with you that girls hide more than guys. guys are stuck, because if they speak out in certain terms they could be seen as gay. thats just one example, but i do understand, i just think that guys wont really try and break out of a clique or speak their mind if they like something that could be considered not 'manly' haha.
i do not believe that angel is already isolating herself off. however that is my interpretation of the books, you may see this viewpoint differently.
Wish they did reproduce like that

There's a ton of things that should mess the birdkids up-I mean, they grew up in a lab. But apparently they have some really good therapists or something.

I dont know...even that would seem pretty cheap. He'd need a really good explanation for why she's been acting that way, not just her going crazy or even betraying the Flock...we've seen both of those coming. Also, driving someone crazy won't necessarily add depth to them...although it will take care of the Mary-Sueness ( ;
It seems to have become a cliche, if it can be called that, to have a scary little child (more often than not a little girl) to freak everyone out.
What examples can I think of...hmm...
- Sabrina the Teenage witch had Amanda, that powerful little cousin I mainly remember turning Sabrina into a doll and locking her in a box.
- Bioshock (game) had, thought they ended up not being evil, the little sisters that collect blood and have freaky looking shiney eyes.
- The Ring (film) was based around a young girl in the form of a scary dead creature that could put her feet over her shoulder to walk (that was really odd oO)
- The Drake and Josh (TV series) had Meghan, who kept playing pranks on her older brothers.
And I've run out...but I'm sure there's a lot more examples than that x3


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