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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

hi. i am travelling all over the internet to spread the love. i am a christian, and hopefully you are too. i am not here to try to convert you if you are not a cristian, though if you would like to be converted ill happily help. 

i am here to speak to the people who are already christians. we need to stand together and fight. if you have an atheist or agnostic or something else bad friends, leave them behind now. 

thank you and god bless you all.

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I don't know whether to be thankful or disappointed that I missed this.
Hi, Kathryn.

Ever heard of the Golden Rule? You should know it, since you claim to be a Christian. It's considered one of the Church's most important teachings, and it's about love. It does not tell you love your neighbour, so long as they are a Christian and subscribe to the same set of beliefs as yourself, but just to love everyone.

In fact, Jesus holds up a Samaritan, someone who did not believe in God or share His religion, as a good person, and better man in His eyes than the Jew who would not help. If even the Bible tells stories about how a person can be good regardless of faith, why on earth would anyone choose to abandon their friends for having a different belief?

There are some wonderful people in this world, and, like with any subject, some will have different views on religion to you. Don't let that stop you from getting to know them.
I didn't know that rule was a Christian thing... But I guess it makes sense that they taught us that in Christian school, but.... *never made that connection* *fails* XD
XD You don't fail, it was probably just taught as a general rule for life, and it's not just Christian. There's a variation of it in most religions, but it /is/ one of the fundamental principles of Christianity, that Kathryn should be terribly well acquainted with.
*nods* They were very intense about that rule, but... they taught us that, like, completely separate from the morning prayers and everything, so I didn't connect the two...
So, just like in your normal classes, English and the like? How... odd.
Pretty much. It was mostly when we were little. In between lessons, our teachers from like kindergarten-5th grade would give little lessons on morals and things. Read stories or fables, or sometimes we'd take a passage from this long prayer that we had to say every morning and talk about what it meant. That rule came up a lot.
*nods* That sounds kind of nice. XD And yes, I can imagine it would.
Hey, wait, does that mean you never actually had proper religion class? That can't be fair....
Nope. Never had a religion class at all. It was a non-denominational Christian school, and they were really accepting. A lot of the upper-grade teachers were atheists or just non-religious, even, because by then they lightened up on the moral lessons and things. My first grade teacher was Jewish, my second/fifth teacher was Catholic. It was more morals and how to be a better person than religion.

Even the prayers we said in the morning were really open to interpretation. If you take out the word 'God,' it would apply to anyone. They were all about being a better person and stuff.
yes of course. but if we stop being friends with them then we can go to heavan and maybe theyll learn to be christian too. nonchristians are bad people.
Okay, so my religious knowledge is severely lacking, but I'm pretty sure you just have to, like, believe in God and try not to sin or something to go to Heaven. I don't think it matters who your friends are.

And, no, not all of us are bad people. Some of us, sure. But that has nothing to do with religion.


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