hi. i am travelling all over the internet to spread the love. i am a christian, and hopefully you are too. i am not here to try to convert you if you are not a cristian, though if you would like to be converted ill happily help.
i am here to speak to the people who are already christians. we need to stand together and fight. if you have an atheist or agnostic or something else bad friends, leave them behind now.
@Ni: Yes, girls rule (I conceded that point waaay back in elementary school), but please don't distract her, I'm in the middle of constructing a proof.
(Some people capitalize it and it's not wrong to, but unlike actual religions it's not necessary. So do whatever you want.)
Same, to the last part. It seems so nice and comforting, and... *would not at all try to argue myself out of it if I could make myself believe in something like that*
Bonjour, je m'apelle (No Fishy I will not correct my crappy French spelling) Xuut, j'ai un Radical Athiest.
And apparently a heathen.
I have never even SEEN a bible in my life, and I've been to a church twice. Both times because they were giving away free food at a children's carnival. I fell asleep while they were telling us about how God saved their souls.My parents both believe in some weird Chinese stuff, and as much as I'd also like to believe in it, I don't. Interestingly enough, I probably have better morals than they do.
My school has a handful of people who go to church. Note how I didn't say they were Christians or Catholics. (and to be honest, I don't know the difference.) Maybe 1/4 actually believe in what the bible says and follow the morals taught. The others? Not so much. The funny thing, people like me who are Atheist or Agnostic, or simply don't have a religion at all, have more respect for religion than those so called Catholics/Christians do (because they only go to church and got confirmed or whatever because their parents made them, which to me sounds utterly ridiculous. If you don't believe stop lying, it's disrespectful towards the people who actually do) and we're also much more moral than them.