Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

I did in fact look to see if someone already started this discussion, but I either fail at searching or there just isn't one here after all...


*begin discussion*


So, who's in? I am. I actually finished my first NaNo last November (got about 64,000 words), so I know that I can stamp out a ridiculous load of rubbish in a month. I'm avengedsevenfold333 if you want to buddy me.


Oh, and how many of you are going to go to write-ins? The NaNo ones were super fun, so I'll definitely be hitting up the ScriptFrenzy ones.

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Adapting Atlas Shrugged as a screenplay. oh god.

Even though the movie is coming out this year? :P I pictured Dagny with short brown hair, but they made her a blonde...


EDIT: Here's the link in case you haven't seen this:

I have seen the trailer, and decided that goddammit, I could do better.


Also, I'm limiting myself to four hours, and cutting the damn 70 page speech because no and that's the least of the changes I'm making :V 

LOL. Well, good luck. I'm 600 pages in and I can't see how it's humanly possible for anyone but Ayn Rand herself to do that book justice in a screenplay format. It's pretty much a crime to set hollywood loose on it...

I'm over there.  Lamp Post.


Not sure how it's going to go, though.  Planning only on writing during my second period if hws done, which it never is.  

Not this time. This semester is harder than the last one.
Screenplays are so much fun to write. o.e They have a tutorial on the site... Here. There's a link on there to the magical formatting doc, which is way helpful.
After writing a screenplay of an extension of The Crucible, I figured out that I really like the screenwriting format. I shall be participating. I'm OftheRuins on there. Dunno if I'll do any write-ins. I think the Night of Writing Dangerously for NaNo was hours away, if I remember correctly, so it depends.


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