Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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No, I haven't...
Before his infamous rant positing that everything could be related to a penis or lack thereof, Freud suggested that dreams were more likely a product of our unconscious brains taking bits and pieces of what we think about a great deal and crunching them makes a bizarre amount of sense. Look at your dreams; I can bet you that more than half the content will have to do with things you thought about or experienced in the last week.

Actually, not really... Most of them are bits and pieces of all kinds of random stuff. The dream I was talking about yesterday, for example, included myself protecting a small girl from a number of things that were trying to kill her. There was also a tornado, a large funnel-like pit I almost fell into a few times, and small furry animals talking to me while being eaten alive by swarms of ants. At the end of the dream the little girl died and turned into a mummy-zombie thing that tried to eat me.

The ants may have been on my mind lately, but other than that I have no recollection of even thinking of the other things in my dream within the past few weeks.

"protecting a small girl from a number of things that were trying to kill her" sounds like the plot for at least half a dozen movies I've seen, and a number of books I've read.
Also true, but usually the girl is actually safe at the end.
Then none of the stories you've read were written by Stephen King.
Actually, no. XD I'm really terribly ill-educated with books, believe it or not... Then again, it may be that I'm just lazy.
Any recommendations to get rid of finger-joint cramps? I've been typing all day and my left hand is killing me.

Tea cures all.  -nods-

I make more of a rich afternoon tea when I hurt myself.  Takes the mind off the injury.  



Trying to pick back up on that book I started to write forever ago. Getting absolutely nowhere. Maybe I should work on that picture book, or that other picture book... -sigh-
Gah, what time zone is Pottermore in?
The one in Britain, I think.Whatever it's called. But don't the times change every day?


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