Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I just checked and apparently Battle Royale does force the kids to turn on each other.

The later two - the third especially - are more your definition of dystopian than the first.


Also - have you read any of the Uglies books?

In other news, epic thunderstorm with lighting strikes every other second.

Anyone who's ever read Frankenstein here?


I have a surprise for you!


click if you dare.


It's work-safe, but it is the only piece of fanart to make me jump like that. NO. BAD INTERNET.

....I'm scared to click it....

Why the jump?

Either I wasn't that thorough of a reader, or I fail to see how this relates to Shelly's work. It's a rather innocent picture.


Unless it had audio, which I turned off.

The one in the back is supposed to be Henry Motherfucking Clerval, and the one in the front is Victor Goddamn Frankenstein.


I've seen a lot, but nothing has made me react like that.

Oh. More slash.


The positioning made Vic look like a girl.

Extreme yaoi.

I thought it was two gals. Really, I had to inspect the breasties (absense of) on "Clerval" the second time around to clarify that you weren't joking. Flowers surrounding the figures don't help the impression. But I suppose Clerval is relatively more masculine, which I would expect in yaoi.

I haven't read Frankenstein, though the young boys portrayed with feminine characteristics makes sense according to the Wikipedia content about their childhood friendship.

There's a lot of sacred lit that I haven't read. Please don't burn me at the stake.

Q for Ning gurus and tech geniuses:

Is there an RSS feed for each discussion? Or do I have to stalk each and every one of you with a separate RSS feed in order to get a summary of posts instead of the links to posts that I get at present?

I should PROBABLY be at very least starting this 9 page packet over two chapters of LOTR that's due Monday, but instead I'm eating Goldfish crackers.

You have to read LOTR for school?! 

I'm jealous. D:


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