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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I've actually thought about it, to be honest.


I'd like to travel, and that will probably be the end of next year, once I've graduated and registered. I was going to go to the UK, but a) riots (which = nuts, and b) olympics (which also = nuts).


Don't wanna go to the states - degree means nothing, or any of the European countries (to work), so, Canada.


Although you can get epic snow. And you have bears.

:D Do it if you ever get tired of NZ. All our "cities" is either a.) small American cities or b.) medium sized American cities. So we're small but it's nice. 


We need psychologist and general healthcare, so if you qualify for either, you've basically got a job here. 


There are plenty of pros and cons for certain provinces. No matter where you are, we ALWAYS have a white Christmas. If you want a white Halloween, the prairies garuntees that. 

Oh and Churchill, Manitoba is notoriously well known for its polar bears. That's why we have this:


They're like raccoons digging through your trash, only they eat your face.  

Suddenly Canada sounds really interesting.

We're the Not-So-Great-North. 

Come when your country is fucked.


We have great farmland. And polar bears!


Canadian Immigration can thank me for our increasing population of non-fugitives/people fleeing from shitty developing countries.


There is a bear. Standing in a field of purple flowers.


Fuck it, Imma move to Canada.


*cough* You do not always have white Christmases.

We went to Toronto for snow, and learnt on Christmas Eve that Toronto /never/ gets white Christmases. And that they were excited by the couple of white snow flakes in cracks in the concrete. 


Toronto sucks though. It's like a small American city. The only reason why anyone ever goes there is because of tourism. It has good shopping. A lot of parts around Toronto get snow during Christmas... Just drive four hours out of town if you really want snow. 


Besides, LOOK AT THE POLAR BEARS! And I figure, eventually we'll turn into a tropical paradise. Like by 2050, expect Canada to be the new vacation place. 

If you talk to pretty much anyone about Canada, all they do is rant about how wonderful Toronto is... 

XD And we did. But you know, we'd driven for days through places just covered and snow, and then we arrived in Toronto, where we'd gotten a proper Christmas dinner and everything planned out, that's meant to be this beautiful city. And... no snow.


XD Polar bears are pretty cute, I'll give you that. And dude, if Canada is a tropical vacation place, I'll be considering moving to Antarctica.... 

Really? I dunno, I find it nice as a tourist sort of place. Actually living there probably wouldn't make me very happy... I've heard people drive for around two hours just to get to work in the morning. 


TO is ugly as hell. Especially downtown. Oh god, I felt the most paranoid at Chinatown. What were you guys reading?

Just look at him in the field of purple flowers! In Churchill, Manitoba they come to "play" with people ALL the time. Duude, if you get a house there, let me stay in it. I wanna chill with some penguins who may or may not exist in 2050. 

People sometimes repulse me. 


You do not, by any stretch of imagination, look attractive with a BMI of 16. That should not be your ideal weight. 


And an "ideal" BMI should not change with height...

Dude, I'm skinny as hell and my BMI is about 18. 16 is "I sit on your chest and force a sammich down your throat" territory.


From what I've heard though, the medical community agrees that BMI is bullshit.

I have 22.7 or something. I wanna be 21.0 because it's EXACTLY as the perfect "healthy" BMI. I'd have to lose ten pounds though, and that's a lot of effort... LOL my brother is around a 16... And he's eats a shit tonne. He doesn't look good though, he reminds me of a skeleton.


It fails to register frame types. That's why when you do it, you should take around 10% less if you're a small frame and 10% more if you're large frame. Then there's the whole muscle stuff. Really, I think it's healthier to just calculate body to fat ratio and keep that healthy. I just use BMI as a rough estimate for me.




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