Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Yes. It's the same here. The shops still have the $AU = US80c or something. Less than that probably, and selling at that price. Since the Aussie dollar is actually higher than the US dollar it's /so/ much cheaper to buy online, even with shipping costs....

We have two prices, too, nearly everything says that for us.


Doesn't that make sense though? Your money is worth more, so shouldn't things cost more...? Just buy online and get charged the American price.

No; if the money is worth more, the item should cost less.


As a completely hypothetical example, an American dollar is worth $1. A Canadian dollar is worth $1.75.

If an American wants to purchase something for $3, it will cost him 3 dollars. If a Canadian wants to purchase that same thing, it will cost him 2 dollars.

And the flaw is, it isn't. 


@Emily: So... Buying in stores is a bad idea then? I think I'll start saving for stuff online if it's so much cheaper. I'm tired of seeing American prices and then feeling the need to go into a corner and cry because of all the money I could be saving. -Cheap bastard-

Not practical for everything, but... stuff you can wait for and get online, yep. But you can see what's cheaper online, can't you?
In other news, made a profile on MR UBC, in hopes that there are interesting conversations going on over there. This brings my number of MR-related forum presences up to four, assuming Facebook doesn't count.
I'm staring at their sign-in page trying to remember what the hell email address I used, because I'm pretty solid I had an account there.
I just realized that the slash name for the two characters I'm writing is Dizzy, which makes perfect sense because they're in a coma/limbo. *facepalm*

Finished typing and sending a page and a half e-mail to the MDW site admin, I think. Not the mods, the admin. Regarding roleplays. Hoping for a message back.


If I get a message back, then my next order of business is MDW site security. Those of you who saw my facebook post know the tech issue I found.

You don't happen to have a copy of that email, do you?
Sent it in a PM. Not to be repeated, no good content anyway.


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