Another quake.
This one felt weird. Yeah, it was noisy, and I knew it was coming - sounded like Port Hills fault, though not as violent as most of those, but it felt like a lot of horizontal displacement. Weird.
I'd guess 4.6-4.8, Port Hills and deeper than usual. We'll see how my predictions go, hmmm?
Why does geonet pick today to be slow?
Usually they're up within 10 mins - it's nearly 15?
Okay - 4.5, Port Hills, but off Port Levy, so further away than usual, and about usual depth.
We had a 6.7, I believe by Vancouver Island.
Don't move to the west Canadian coast if you don't want quakes.
It's 9/11. Tomorrow morning, ten years ago, I woke up to the news.
The world will never be the same.
Getting off the school bus to see everyone's parents there, creepy as heck.
Even more bizarre, I have a younger sister exactly ten years younger than I. She is currently in the same grade and even has the same teacher as I did.
I suppose this is our generation's "Kennedy Got Shot" day equivalent. Every generation has one. Still sucks.
Ten years ago when I was in Pennsylvania with my dad and my mom in California we lost millions of lives in New York City on this day September 11. I want to thank so many wonderful firefighters who risked their lives for others and for the ones who weren’t firefighters and just put their life’s in danger to make sure others are safe. Thank you
One of my friends posted this as her status on Facebook. People's overwhelming ignorance towards 9/11... bothers me.
Aside from that, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel or act today.
In my current events class on Thursday, we watched CNN's live reporting of the event from after the first tower had been hit. They showed footage of firefighters in the rubble, of people sobbing in the street, and of Bush receiving the news. And it was, to simplify it immensely, emotional.
I was in first grade on September 11, 2001. I don't remember anything specific about the day at all. I didn't lose anyone in New York, DC, or Pennsylvania. No one I know has been sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. The only consequence I can see is the TSA, but I don't remember airport security before 9/11.
I won't pray today. I have nothing to pray to. I don't know what I would pray for, anyway.
Should I simply remember? But what does remembering do? I don't remember anything.
Should I immerse myself in other people's memories? Should I watch the footage on repeat, or listen to the audio captured on one of the hijacked flights?
Should I be sad? Would that be a legitimate emotion? I feel no sadness for something I do not know.
Should I be sympathetic? Empathetic? For what? For whom? What does that do?
I just don't know.
>.> I was five years old an in rural Saskatchewan.
What the fuck should I say that won't make me sound like an emotionless monster that isn't a lie?
Ten years ago today I was in the fourth grade.
Actually, exactly ten years ago I had just come in from recess, I think. I was probably antsy and waiting to get home.
To be honest though I really only remember that morning -- we got to watch television in school, and it was very quiet.
It's been a long, strange decade.
Ten years ago, I was barely 2 years old and had no idea what the fuck was going on.
To be completely honest, this day doesn't effect me much more than any other day where something bad happened. :/ I think I should feel bad that I don't feel bad, but...I don't.
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