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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I swear the writers ship it though XD So much awkward sexual tension. And you never know, they play pretty loosely with the myths, maybe it'll be the love of Arthur and Merlin that brings down Camelot?
Oh, I pray. xD

The Hunger Games ARG is a giant, giant clusterfuck. 

And they have funding.


They have funding and extensive flash/java/javascript programming experience and lots of people and free time, things that I would have given a kidney for on our ARG.


Ah well, I can dream. I also figure I have a good year and a half to learn some of these skills. Then, who knows? Maybe we can do the same thing?


EDIT: But they were taken down by Lionsgate. We at least got to complete our ARG. X)

I think they did some fast talking with Lionsgate for permission to run their game.


We just got the Not Giving Fucks Gang doing their thing :V

Had my first proper alcoholic drink yesterday night; someone had the bright idea to combine vodka with a chocolate milkshake.

Result: First half of sip; tastes like chocolate milkshake

Second half of sip, tastes like cough syrup.


Ah well. The worst that came of it was a very sweet, nice, open and poetic e-mail to my girlfriend (she liked it quite a lot, so she told me this morning) which looking back on it was amusing.

However, I think I'll stick mostly with real milkshakes from now on. Unless any of you have suggestions on something that tastes better. Those of you with experience, thoughts?

Yes, well you're not exactly the type to do straight shots so much, are you End?


Start in with the more tame, and less expensive stuff, like wine and beer - you'll get to know what you like (white dessert wines and a particular brand of Chateau Cardboard) and what you don't (beer in general, red wines).


Hard liquor is usually more expensive (at least, it is here), but goes further with stuff.

I have a fondness for Baileys and milk - you can flavour the milk if you wish.

Also, vodka, cranberry juice and lemonade, or alternatively use orange juice - I'm not sure vodka milkshakes would be quite as good? Actually pretty much anything flavoured goes with lemonade.


I'm not a tequila fan - that stuff's nasty! Nor rum and coke. Eurgh!

Shandys, forever.


Basically either 7 Up or Mountain Dew or that other clear carbonated beverage (asides from Monutain Dew, do not use clear ones and don't use Cream Soda, it tastes like ass) along with your choice of alcohol. According to friends, it's best with beer, but then again, it's not like anyone had hard liquor. This, just to be noted, if diluted enough, will not get you very drunk. When not really diluted and you have A LOT... make sure someone takes away your phone. 

Vodka with... not milk. 

Vodka goes well with lime, or cranberry. Both works too, I think with soda water, though I can see how lemonade would work too (by which I mean, like, sprite, which would be what Omega would mean too).

If you want to combine something with milk, like Omega said baileys is a better choice. 

Vodka shots are evil. They have no taste worth recommending, and burn your. Even if you want to get drunk fast there have to be other ways. And I'd like to think you don't want to get drunk quickly. Though well, you're End, prolly not a problem. 

Being able to tell the difference between a good and bad wine is something you learn, so, enjoy the cheap stuff while you can. Though, don't go cask wine. That's just bad. 

And, I think Malibu and coke is good. 

Switched on the old laptop for the first time in nearly a year - this thing's nearly 4 years old, the battery is crap, and it's been dropped more than a few times - and ye gods, it's ALIVE still!









...Is four years a long time for a lap top?



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