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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm getting penis enlargement and fake Facebook emails now.

And I had managed to stay junk-free for so long.

Editing a paper for a person who has no linguistic or grammatical sense without rewriting basically the whole thing is really difficult.

So busy, oh god. Haven't had time to even breathe for the last couple days. Today is my first day, only because I'm lazy and am not doing Math, Social, English, French, or Chem. 


It'd be awesome just to sleep forever but I know the weekend will be filled with work too. Bah. 

I wish I was busy.

My current workload:

- finish New!Who by the Christmas episode

- watch all of Merlin

- watch all of Sherlock

- read Beowulf, An American Childhood, The Tortilla Curtain, Born on a Blue Day, Game of Thrones, The Element, and A Long Way from Chicago

- plan for NaNo


And I feel overwhelmingly busy.


XD That's important though! 

... I haven't read a real book in so long. I've only been reading textbooks and articles. x.x I think that will end with a lovely Agatha Christie book over the weekend. 

and I'm so excited for Nano, I can't wait to do it this year even though I know I'll die. XD
All of Beowulf, or just the Grendel segment?
I'm assuming all of it, since Grendel's dead...

I read that as Beowulf: an American Childhood at first.

I was like, "The hell?" Then I continued reading.


So glad this week is over and there's no school today.


They basically have to reconstruct her esophagus, because the bullet tore it up so much. The reason she wasn't bleeding much is because it was all going down her throat and into her lungs. Thus, pneumonia. At least she's not on life support anymore, as far as we know.


I yelled at a news lady yesterday. I'm tired of them hounding us, and then twisting the words of whoever falls for their crap.


Sorry if all the updates are bugging you guys. It's just one of those things that you have to talk about.

First off, why would this be bugging us?


Seriously. You're in need. You need to talk to someone. I don't know how to put this, but it's not like you're talking about something stupid or whatever. This kind of thing is stressful, frightening, and to some degree traumatizing. Frankly, I'm impressed by your strength--if I were in your situation, I don't know how I'd handle it.


Second, kudos to you for yelling at that bitch. Our species' sadistic love for sensationalist news and suffering disgusts me. You're epic.


Third, I hope she gets better. There's not much else I can do aside from that.

Just... some of my friends at school are getting pissed off that it's all anyone will talk about. And I always get a little paranoid that I'm bothering everyone when I constantly talk about something. Like. In my group of friends, I'm usually the one everyone complains to, but they get really snappy when I talk about something a lot. I'm the type to beat a dead horse, I guess. And I hate to upset people, if they're trying to help.And thanks. Quite frankly, I'm not sure if I'm handling it well. I just ignore it at school, then explode about it when I get home and log on here. I nearly started crying Thursday, when I passed that spot. They have a trashcan exactly where we were standing. And it's so close. Closer than I remember, honestly. And that scares the crap out of me.


Ha, thanks. I got so many high fives over that, because she got all huffy and just left after we walked away. It really is terrible. The media has gotten completely out of hand. You forget about it, and just believe everything they say, until something like this happens and you see, firsthand, how conniving they are. Everything they show has been twisted, edited, and taken out of context to make something sound so much worse.


That's all we can do, I suppose. The Churches around here have held Prayer Meetings every night. Her parents are refusing to let the news people know how she's doing, so there haven't been any updates in the last couple of days. I don't know how she's doing.


Thank you, everyone, for all your support. It really, truly helps. I cannot thank you, all of you, enough.

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