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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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It kind of makes me want to kick your government in the face. Seriously? Even OUR right wing politicians aren't that fucking bad. How in god's name did these people get on that board? 


You cannot honestly publish a textbook without having the credibility of at least one historian.


I feel so bad for those poor Texans. Their children will be idiots.

Yeah... that's probably why. XD


No offense to anyone who might live in Texas but y'all don't have the best reputation....

The teacher got taught by an old professor with weird ideas. The teacher then got their own strange ideas and taught those to kids. Or maybe they said something jokingly about plants.


Then, of course, the students take those ideas and run like hell.

Harlequin is taking open submissions for short historical romance.

Oh man.

Oh no.

So, now that we've officially devolved to Texas-ism, which is a very special kind of class-ism, I think that talking about the elections isn't such a bad idea.


-> NZ votes in 11 days.


Noooot particularly impressed with anyone at the moment. My electorate vote will probably go to the National candidate, because I don't like anyone else. My party vote... eh. I don't really want another Labour term so soon after their 9 years of suck. I also don't agree with some of what National is doing.... And fuck voting for anyone else. Maybe the Greenies. They seem to have got a bit more sensible, now that most of the completely loopy stoners have gone.

Besides, John Key is a decent Prime Minister, whereas Phil Goff (the other choice) is a bit of a non-event.


Also, we're having a referendum. I love referend... -ums? -a? eh. The thing I don't love, is that the govt is not necessarily going to take into account what's been voted for. But anyway, we're voting to see if we want to keep the system we've got, go back to the system we had before, or change one of another 3 systems.


The good news, is that we don't really have any typical-republican-dickhead politicians, so it doesn't really matter too much about my vote and where it goes. Nobody who is absolutely horrific would get elected. About the closest you get are Winston Peters, who is ancient, and not in parliament, and not likely to be in parliament; and some of the more obnoxious Maori party lot, who are just a bit racist, and always feel like they're entitled to something. Most of the Maori party are okay... but eh.


And here I have to choose between "ineffective but nice as hell" and a bunch of total shitheads. 

We need a new party to vote for. And no, I'm not even considering the Communist or Fascist parties.

Which, to be honest isn't such a bad choice. It's better than, say picking your favourite republican candidate for the presidency.

At least Hitler was charismatic.

Working on a new song parody that I wish I had thought of before Halloween. :/

Hey theeere, I just turned 14. And I thought of this site 'cause I haven't been on here in like, years.  So how's it going?

It has been a long time, hasn't it? Crazy to think about...


I'm doing well enough. Life is hectic, insane, and busy. This week is the first in a month where I don't have anything massive going on. Between theater and NHS, I don't know if I'll manage NaNo this year.

How're you doing?


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