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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I now have four different Skyrim characters.

I need a life. 

You lost your privilege to a life when you purchased an Elder Scrolls game.

I got it for Christmas, technically... >.>

I'm afraid to get Skyrim because I know that nothing will ever get done. Even with Morrowind and Oblivion it was like that. x.x

But the graphics, the game, oh god I just want it. Must. Resist. 

Haven't had internet in three days. Was staying at a hotel with my family and my best friend/sister/wife. It was fun. Not much going on in my life. Looking forward to starting college. How's everyone else?

Also, during the three days I didn't have internet, one of my friends got married. She's 18. I don't even...

Oh? How did that happen?

She's been dating the guy for a while. He's going into the military and has been away for training for a while. I guess he was back and they decided to get married? I'm not really even all that sure... If they're happy, good for them I guess. They just seem...young.

Well, that was a nasty reminder that there is a real world out there. At least I've stopped sobbing...

I just found out that my boyfriend for two years lied to me about quitting smoking over a year ago, and that he's been smoking pot almost every night for the last four months.

I suppose what he's doing isn't really that bad compared to a lot of people I know, but it doesn't help that he never told me until now, when I'm being forced to contemplate breaking up with him anyway because of college.

The biggest problem here is that I know he loves me more than anything else in the world, and I can almost see myself with him forever as well, in an odd, complicated way. My mind is weird, and it's hard for me to get really attached to anyone. He's upset right now because he made me cry, but he doesn't understand that if I wasn't crying right now, either I'd be a heartless bitch or he wouldn't be worth it.

In other news, I still have no license, job, or way of paying for school in the fall, and no life in me to get moving. I feel like I can't move.

And I'm holding back tears again. I guess these are the drawbacks of living as a real-life Mary Sue and then being thrown into the real world. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

1.) Regarding boyfriend, I'm shitty at relationships but just out of curiosity, why did he lie? I mean it's obvious that you mind and wanted him to stop but you didn't threaten to break up with him or anything like so he would stop right? What he did was pretty shitty, but I don't get why he would lie about it if it wasn't a big huge deal until he started lying about it.


2.) Regarding job, just apply to a bunch of places you like? One of them is pretty much bound to hire you (although you did say that you lived in a small town right?) since that's what all my friends here do in order to get a job. And then they just take the one that offers the most money. >.> And if it makes you feel better, I still don't have my learner's license and I'm almost 17. Here we can get it when we're 14. Is a government loan realistic as well? 

1.) Exactly.

2.) I've applied to tons of places and only two have called me back. One has not called since then, and the other was extremely frustrating to deal with and eventually stopped answering their phone. And I'm 18 and going to college, so a license is kind of important, I guess...

Ah, makes sense. >.> I don't think I'll be getting my license till I'm 18 at least. My brother didn't get his until he was 19 and he was in university. -Insert bad Asian driving joke- Ugh, some places just suck. My friend had applied to like eight places and only got hired at three. She ended up choosing the one that paid the most. I know my sister, who had cash register experience from working at Tims couldn't get a job for a while either. It just takes a lot of application I suppose. And I hear that McDonalds takes everyone, but I think you're above repulsive McDonalds. 


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