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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I know someone who got a full ride for golf. I'm just like, 'You're a very nice guy, but I totally hate you for that.'

My, ex-boyfriend, did fencing. I think I would've enjoyed it, but I didn't want to get up early on Saturdays. XD I like sleep.

I miss talking to your, too!


I'm doing okay.  Still in the longest summer of my life. Slowly packing for uni and whatnot, doing AugNaNo, just crocheted a tea cosy <3

How've you been?

Are you still doing oboe?


Well long summers are good..! Congrats on the tea cosy ;)

I've been faantasic. And I actually started to hate the oboe in 8th grade, soo no. And I don't think you can even march with that can you?

Eh, they're long.  And it's just gotten warm here, so, bleh.  >.<'  And we hardly start before October, so...

:DD  Thank you, I'm shamefully proud of it. XD

Yeah, it's easy to hate...

Eh, a few people make plastic oboes, and there's like one that's decent.  And with one of those horrible plastic reeds you're in business, but it' acquired taste...and it can sound not horrible, but there's no potential for it to sound like God's gift to music. x.x  I always held the flag....>.>  But that was fine.  I think in 8th my teacher told me to fake the flute...which was fun....XD

Hah it's cooling down here finally! (:

Fake the flute lol? How can you do that? I actually play the flute, but it's kinda useless when there's about 24 other flutes in the band... I heard about the plastic reeds, that they last for a long time, cause I used to have to buy a new reed every other week :(

I'm jealous.  We don't end summer until mid-September.  Granted it doesn't start until

Um, hold it to your mouth and pretend to blow and wiggle your fingers.  I heard it was kinda convincing from afar.  But then I was the kid who got positioned to walk right in front of the camera for the local channel, and I heard that with the zoom, it was fairly obvious.  x.x   I tried to make it work, it just didn't...>.>

I think I had five reeds last a whole year....but by that point I should've been making reeds and was being lazy (like, using Rachel Ray kitchen knives for a quick chip of the tip >.>) and roughly knew how to BS stuff to get them to ink out another week or so.  >.>  Which was kind of a miracle....but at the same time, I had all five reeds on my stand and literally used them all every practice because they were all finicky but worked amazing for ONE little thing, so they stayed.  >.>

Well around here, basically half the year is summer and half is winter. Or maybe 2 thirds summer, 1 third winter...? And "cooling down" is anywhere below 100 lol.

Hah couldn't you just be in front line or something? Sounds fun though (:

That's smart, by the time I realized I should have 5 reeds at once the year was almost over. So whatever (: I'd rather play the guitar & flute anyway.

Ouch.  Society shuts down when it hits 80.  Or when it snows.  >.>  

Yeah, when I got into the concert band ahead of my year the director basically pulled me aside as told me I needed 5-3 good ones at all times.  >.>

:( Wish it would snow here... People from other places always think I'm crazy when I say that (:

Hah my director didn't know anything about oboes. Lucky you.

We get like, one a year, which is perfect.  Because everyone is stuck where they are and that's fun for the first 1-3 days.  Then it gets irritating that you still can't get up your road and you're stuck with everyone around you. XD

It's more like warm (fall), cool (winter), warm (spring), and blazing hot (summer).


And also, I faked the flute in like 5th grade, because I knew the fingerings, but I couldn't get any sound to come out. v.v

^ Exactly.

& it seems like pretty much everyone's tried to play the flute at one point or another lol.


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