Just came to the realization of how ridiculously paranoid my parents are.
It never really hit me until my friend pointed it out and then I realized that yes, they're a wee bit insane. I guess I should have figured that out when my mother told me I shouldn't go to Europe because if I do, a gypsy lady will come up to me, make me hold her baby, and then rob me blind while I hold the baby. Or that other time when she told me about how this guy and his daughter went on a cruise and he looked away for just a second and BAM, she got kidnapped and was never heard from again therefore I should never wander astray from my mother in foreign places.
While both of those are legitimate dangers, neither is a good reason to avoid international travel. Like travel in the US, you need to use your head.
These basic rules can be applied to going downtown... >.> My mother is just.. very paranoid I think. I'm surprise she doesn't make me call her every hour really.
On a cruise is kind of impressive though. I mean, how do you make someone disappear when you're all trapped together on a boat for days on end with only one way off at the end?
But, yeah, there are poor people in Europe who will rob you, but honestly, poverty was a lot more in your face in America tbh. I don't think you'd be any more likely to be robbed overseas than at home.
I am doing a remarkably shit job of doing my homework right now, but hello :V I should have actual internet in the next few days, instead of thumb-crampy phone internet -- as it is I schlepped my laptop to campus today.
This is a random (and probably creepy) question, but do you still have the same number from forever ago?
Follow-up question: do you still have all our numbers from forever ago?
I might? I do have yours, and there are a few other mystery contacts in my phone.
College Confidential makes me sad.
Wow, It's only he second week of classes and I'm already slacking off. :D I just got my books two days ago (with the exception of one that hasn't been sent yet, thanks to Amazon) and I haven't opened a single one yet. I'm supposed to have already read one, at least.
Also, Arab Politics class is making me want to either take over the world, kill everyone in it, or curl up and die. There's too much shit going on in the world. My brain can't handle the overload. Maybe I just care about everything way too much. I don't want to debate; I'll just wallow in my thoughts.
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