You're much younger than I thought. That's awesome.
I was never excited to turn sixteen and I was even less excited to turn eighteen. I never wanted to drive and I certainly didn't want to be responsible for myself.
But now, I hate not being able to drive (my car is back home; on campus parking is way too much money) and I can't imagine not being able to just fill everything out myself and go places without needing parent/guardian signature. I got my upper ear pierced mainly because I could.
It's weird to think about getting older, moving out, etc, but once it happens, it'll be weird to think about what it was like beforehand.
And on another note: Happy birthday! :D
You're younger than me? But we're both grade 12s this year. I used to think I was younger than everyone else (due to the way the school system was structured in NS) but jesus, you're so young. >.> I turn 17 on the 30th. Don't worry about driving though, here you can get your learner's at 14, I'm nearly 17 and I haven't even gotten around to getting it. (Personally, I don't see a point for myself, I have no money for lessons nor any car to drive within the next 5 years so why bother). Oh wait, no you're about as old as two of my friends. They turn 17 in February this year so you're born in the same year as them but wooow, I thought we were the same age. XD
16 meant shit all to me. Apparently the "cool" thing to do was throw some huge party about it and get drunk. I had a lovely evening doing math homework. It's blown way out of proportion (a girl I know is holding this HUGE party and inviting everyone she knows to get drunk, high, and probably engage is some less than lovely activities) because you're still only 16, you can't really do anything. I can't vote and I can't buy alcohol (and for America you can't buy alcohol until you're 21...). Most people don't have cars, big whoop. Overrated and stupid.
The part that is the hardest to wrap my mind around is that in one year, we will all be in different places and some of these people are supposed to be independent adults. These are the same people who don't know how to cook or fold laundry or anything and it just boggles my god damn mind that we're all growing up. I mean... what happened to all our juvenile discussions last year? >.>
Yeah, it's kind of a mix between surreal and disappointing, in a way. And think of it this way: The only prerequisite for legal adulthood in this country is aging naturally, so as long as you survive about two decades of life (And most of that time your parents work really hard to keep you alive, so it's not as much your responsibility) you'll get it handed to you. It's not that hard of an achievement, is what I'm saying, and emotional maturity is unrelated to it for the most part. It's a number, not a changing point.
On another note, happy birthday.
...If you were Harry Potter, you'd already have been the target of multiple murder attempts and witnessed two or three homicides yourself.
If you were Fake Crowley, you'd have attempted multiple murders, and succeeded in committing multiple acts of homicide yourself!
...Why aren't you laughing? Don't you think it's funny?
Well, I guess you had to have been there...it was a lot funnier in context, you know.
I think I was 14 when I joined this site? Jeez, I feel hella old and immature for my age now. I still can't believe I'm in college. Probably because the college I'm going to is small and contained and there are no known parties or boys to speak of and I can walk everywhere.
What's worse is I don't even have my driver's license or a job yet and I'm turning 19 in a couple months. My boyfriend's turning 21 next week, which scares the shit out of me.
Anyway, happy birthday! *throws confetti* Any special plans for your 16th?
happy birthday bitch
I was the same age difference from everyone in my year in high school. Shit kind of sucked but I learned to roll with it and in college it's little more than a minor piece of personal trivia. Didn't get my license until I was 18, either.
Also adulthood is kind of sucky, but so is every age. Enjoy your birthday, go eat some nachos!
(ps if you're near Boulder next summer drop me a line, I'll probably still be here and we can go for burritos or something idk)
Thanks, guys. c:
I promise I read all of your responses but I just can't respond to them all because I'm supposed to be writing an essay and ugh I should leave.
I got the Avengers and an entire fucking cheesecake omg no one else in my family likes this stuff and so even though I didn't do anything and the school day kind of sucked it was alright. So yeah. 16 will be okay.
Yay! Congrats!
And don't worry about the license, I didn't get one until I was 20.
I was 22.
Well, I had my learners at 15, but that hardly counts.
It's kind of weird to realize something this obvious, but I never noticed before today how hard it is to listen to people. I mean, I understand words just fine, and can easily give someone my full attention, but I don't think I ever acknowledged how hard putting the words together and forming comprehensible sentences is. It's not as if I've been unaware of it all my life, I just never really paid it any mind. It's like being aware of your own tongue.
And now you all are conscious of the fact that understanding other people's sentences doesn't come as naturally as understanding spoken words, and takes a bit of effort. >:D Have fun trying to forget it.
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