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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Tell me why you keep rewatching it, and I'll literary/psycho-analyze it into distastefulness for you.

Not a Jane Austen fan, BTW. Got as far in Austen's Emma as I did in Meyer's Twilight before I gave up and read the sparknotes. It remains the single piece of literature in my academic career that I have done this for. Read Bronte's Jane Eyre in the same year and greatly preferred that over Austen.

I actually don't know. I figure it appeals to some small feminine thing where we enjoy sappy romance. Curse these ovaries.

I don't like her much either. I've tried reading P&P, Emma, and S&S but still could not get past more than a few chapters in each. I'm being forced now because we're doing it for English. Everyone in my class says it's loads better than the book we were reading before; a non-fiction piece by William Dalrymple, City of Djinns but I feel like they're only saying that because City of Djinns doesn't have a Sparknotes. >.> 

I absolutely hated Catcher in the Rye. I got through a chapter and then gave it back to my english teacher in disgust.

Have you tried any other things by Salinger? I was pretty big on his short stories when I was in high school, though I haven't reread them in a while.

Ning's acting up and won't let me reply to anyone directly...

Can anyone tell me how to do an MLA format in-text citation of a Youtube video? Hank Green has some really good metaphors that I'd like to use in the closing paragraph of my paper. I know how to do the Works Cited part, but I haven't found a good explanation of what to do with the parenthetical citations.

Oh internet. 

Edit: do you mean an in-text citation?

I imagine just the name of the person who is speaking in the work (Green). I'd stick to paper though; professors and teachers don't like things that aren't in printed-word form.

Another volcanic eruption from Tongariro.


Interesting stuff is happening guys!

My life is sad.

Still stuck on 12k for NaNo. Not even trying anymore. :/

Cody and I decided that we're going to take a break.

There was a long conversation in his car on the way back from my Grandma's for Thanksgiving. I've been thinking about it for a while, but he actually brought it up. We barely see each other anymore and I've been having issues actually caring, and he still has no plans for school or future anything. I still don't have my license. We've mutually decided that we're just going to take a break. We might still see each other on Christmas at Grandma's, or maybe other holidays and things. Maybe we'll meet up in a few years and have coffee or something. I can't stop crying, but I kind of feel better too.

In other news, family problems are even worse. I'd rather not go into that now. This was one sucky as hell Thanksgiving. And I was the only person in my entire house who was excited about the holidays. Now I just want to go back to my dorm and watch Doctor Who.

Well, I suppose it could always be worse. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving has been, for many years, my least favorite holiday.

It actually didn't suck this time. It was quite pleasant. It's been a good day. I hope yours was as well.

I have a two page list of things to do and all I want to really do is sit on my bed, staying up till 4 AM and write. :V

This week has been crazy, all my friends are gone (okay, two that I hang out with lots, one for surgery on her ACL and the other to Uruguay for a JA presentation thing) so I'll be all alone during my second block spare. 


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