Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Pyro was eleven? Talk about prodigy...
XD No kidding.
I was elevn when I joined MX.
I was. . .eleven or twelve when I joined the original forums.
*does math* . . .maybe.
I was 13 when I joined MX..... (I cannot believe it's been almost a year....)
That keeps freaking me out. I may be in denial.
Nor can I. . . .
Its only been about *thinks* 4 months since I joined.
I was a week shy of thirteen when I joined the original forums.
Ahh! There I was thinking, 'hey, two months, I'm not a newb anymore!' Most people were on MX for years. *sigh*
Pssh no MX hasn't been around a year yet. Like a year in mid-November, iirc.
*Feels like an idiot* Really? I always assumed it had been around since the books.


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