Reading chat logs makes me insanely happy. It's.... memories. Like a scrap book or photo album. But it also reminds me why I started shipping LampxPyro in the first place. *dies from adorableness*
Exactly. Only it's also rather sad, think of what could've been.
I don't see it as 'adorable', really. And if that was your only reason, than I don't see why you'd still ship it. Look how thing's have changed.
Although I'm starting to see why/how you guys got the idea of the shipping, through reading this. >.<' To the point where if I wasn't 'Lamp', I'd probably end up shipping it too.
He.... just wants nothing to do with TH, except contact with us. When he was telling me about Laura, the 'only thing he doesn't like' about her is that she's into fandom. Even though that's how they met...
XD Nah. But can you now see how wonderful that pairing is? Like, if you weren't yourself, anyway.