*was going to just relax this weekend*
Within 5 minutes of deciding that I ended up entering a final tournament, and filling up my entire weekend. -sigh-
Netball's fun. The basics are similar, just no bouncing the ball, and you have to keep a certain distance from someone if they've got the ball, which are the rules most basketballers forget.
*cough* and Australia is much better than NZ at netball*cough*
Yeah, I think the rule for b-ball is 3 feet, or so. . . .which, never happens, unless you take a charge or something and the person is really oblivious. *lovs taking charges*
No kidding. The posts in b-ball, hand check another, push/shove another out of the key, and are 7/10 of the time basically sitting on another, or something of the like.
*laughs* Oh, of course. They've got a better rugby team, imao, though.
In netball it's still 3 feet, however it's strictly enforced. Which just means you have to get creative about intercepting the ball before they get it. Without obstructing, contacting, or anything else.
What's 'taking charges'?
The only person I really know who follows the rugby is a New Zealander, so I don't doubt it. I like to blame the fact that we leave rugby to Qld and NSW. There's a reason Melbourne the sporting capital, but we prefer AFL.
*cant imagine that*
*literally will shove people out of the key. . . and hand checks people. . . and runs into them. . . and fouls. . . .and, well, if they're not a solid rock, they won't be in the key for more than a few seconds.
How would one steal, though? Especially since they'd be less room for error without people dribbling. . . .and do people just walk then? I knew there wasn't any dribbling involved, but never really thought about how that'd work.