Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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:D :D :D And you read... um, can't math... whatever the latest chapter is? What did you think?

*maybe shouldn't have had that coffee*
You flatter me. *blush* Anything you, um, especially liked? *is a terrible whore*

Killarney actually inspired the idea, sooo she deserves like half credit for this craziness XD But thank you.
*dork* This fic has made me kind of like kids. And realize how awesome my parents are, hojeez.

Killarney from MX. Not sure if she's banned. She's awesome.
Last I checked she wasn't banned, but. . . what happened to her? Did she just stop coming on?
*misses her*
Yeah... I've seen her on chat sometimes...
*is still horribly behind on it*

wtffffffffffffffffff word why is the formatting fucked up >:\ I am unhappy with you.

Then again this document is almost 400 pages long.
Goodnight, Fate.
G'night :) *hug*

Goodnight Fate.
fgsfds I need to try and print this fic out. Brb attempt.

edit: I am Nathan, ninja of printer :D
*continues conversation here*

Oh, Megan. . . .
*is so beyond glad you didn't cut yourself*
*hugs you for that*

You're not a freak. *loves Fishy*

Aww. . . .

And we didn't get fed up with you, did we?
And we won't, either.

*understands, though* v.v


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