Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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You don't? Oh, yeah, you don't..... *forgets that*

Huh. It's over. Now I really need a new excuse.
*looks at school stuff*
I think I can get away with not studying for English, French, PE, photo, or bio. So geometry.... *hates that class* Y'know what, I think I can just wing it. This section is easy enough. L'étudier, c'est fini.
Why? I think I can skate by on pretty much all of them.
Exactly. Which I think I can manage....

No, I'll only thank you if I actually listen to you.

You don't study, you fail.
You fail, you get less computer privileged.
You get less computer privileges, you don't get to see all of us nearly as often.

That coupled with, probably spending more time with your family. . .you'd go mad/die. So, do yourself a favour and study.
Not studying doesn't necessarily mean failing, and failing doesn't necessarily mean less computer privileges. Because if not studying = not seeing you guys and spending time with family, there would be no question.... or, at least, little question. But there's still a chance.
Do you really think it's smart to rely on that small chance?
Too, after you've been absent at such an unfortunate time, recently?
Probably not. But you can't expect me to make the smart choice. I'll.... study in the.... morning. And please, yell at me if I'm not. But yes, I will still be online. I can't do anything without being logged in anymore.
You fully well know that you're just saying that, and that you won't study in the morning.

Now, Fishy.

I'm done arguing too, as I have an essay to start.
>.> God dammit. *opens binder*

Now I needn't keep you from your homework. I don't want to make other people fail too.
Ha, ha!

I hope that you didn't just say that, and actually opened it. . .and did so to study.
v.v No, I really did open it, I promise you that, and yes, I did have the intention of studying. And then I saw the progress report, and needed to re-read that seven times. *moves on to hw/studying now*


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