Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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We don't do racism ._.

But the minute they come home from school repeating swear words, my friend's gonna call me and have me come over to teach 'em how to swear like MEN.

Yeah, yeah...
-Nods- I only figured out the N word in seventh grade. My siblings use it rather un-nicely. I only know one other one and well, I'll never use it. Ever.

XD Like MEN? -Imagines Nathan teaching little kids how to swear horribly-

I'm just scared what they'll say in front of the other adults. -Used to swear an excessive amount in front of her friend's parents.- They were far from impressed.
Like truckers.

Like me XD

Ahahaha what.
...Tash and I had this /really/ interesting convo on chatzy last night.
Woot, I'm finally 14!

It's 12 here (even if I was born at 5/6 PM).
You're only 14?
*feels like we've been over this conversation before*

Happy Birthday!
@Doomy: Thanks! I'm going to get bruises tomorrow at school. Birthday beatings and all.

@Lamp: Mhmm, I look even younger IRL. And yes, I think we have. -Is as old as Fishy- And thank you!
Yep, we're the same age. :D
*points down at my happy birthday post*

'Cept I look slightly older IRL. It's very, very annoying.
Thank you!

Yes, now I can apply for a job at Tim Hortons and not feel bad because I'm not actually 14 yet. Looking older IRL is bad? I always thought the down side was not being able to say you were 11 at buffets.


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