Meh, there are ups and downs. The downsides are things like, teachers/parents/etc, expecting you to do the work of a jr/sr/college kid, if they don't know you. Older people hitting on you. Stupid waiters in restaurants, when you go out with your 22 year old cousin and you order a virgin margarita and she orders a regular margarita, they think you're the older one and switch them, which you find out when you're a 13 year old completely intoxicated. I learned that day that I have a very, very low tolerance for alcohol, it hasn't really changed since I was a toddler, apparently. And of course, the awkward conversations you get when hanging out in college towns, starting at like age 9.
XD I don't even know how old I look. I, personally, think I look about my age, but other people sometimes disagree. And I can pretty much always fake being 16-17 whenever I want.
*agrees, very, very, very much*
@Doomy - Uh..... Not last time I checked...... *lives in California*