Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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I'm.. meh, I can do it, it's okay I suppose.

Just not great.

And yes it is quite painful. Like a paper cut.
XD I've only stabbed myself several times in the past. It doesn't happen much but when it does, it's killer.

I'm trying to prefect my tiny basically un-see able stitches. It's not really working... I can still see them...
XD Maybe, I just stabbed myself so.

Yeah... mine aren't even anymore...
Unreasonably excited.

I wrote in to one of those write-letters-to-the-characters fics with fangirly comments for Jeb, Roland, and Reilly.

I got replies.

derp derp derp squee omg derp

Sweet Jesus, what possessed me to use hearts and fangirl speak in the letters I wrote?

tl;dr: I'm a nerd :B A huge, huge nerd.
I didn't realize what I was doing XD

Looking at what I wrote... oh my God.

I'm, obviously, the dorkfest and a half who wrote in for half the scientists who got mail.

Also, someone preemptively submitted some hate mail for Roland.

I feel the fangirly urge to retaliate with... something dorky.

Just when I think I'm over this fandom :|
I can't finish reading the chapter 'cause I automatically shift into squee mode.
This is why I don't send actual cool people fan letters.

Sweet Jesus God.

In the MRverse there have to be nerds who fanboy/girl scientists, right?

D'you think Jeb, et. al get fanmail?
No, like, in a world where they're real people and stuff.

Okay, so that world would suck (hello massive economic failure... oh wait), but work with me here >.>

zomfg hey plot realization

I can totally retool things in the RCverse so the 2008 economic meltdown is, in that verse, Itex going down the tubes. yesssssss
I love those people already :B

If they were real... MR would not exist, most likely.

But I would probably be on track to graduate with a good GPA, aiming to major in "something sciencey" (and secretly dreaming of somehow getting a job at the School). And would probably have gone through a phase at twelve of sending embarrassing fan mail to the scientists I thought kicked the most ass.

Albeit if I got a two-week vacay in a world where they were all real, I'd at least send Reilly some fanmail squeeing over how awesome he is.
*shudder* ... heh, I'd probably be medicated XD One of my friends said to me once that if PBD were real I'd probably have it. :| Oh snap.

'Cause c'mon. Jeb and Roland are rock stars. Reilly is a lab tech. He just needs more love <3
I did not mention that, as far as I know, I've never yet done any manic crazy shit. Why spoil her fun? XD

He's adorable and awesome and just mmph dammit Reilly's so awesome. He was one of my favorite characters to write in the beginning.


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