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Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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That would've been amazing.
*thinks that is amazing*

Brilliant. xD

I knew of two people that, if there's such thing, were soul mates, the perfect couple.
Naturally something happened. >.<'
*doesn't believe in soul mates* People can be a perfect couple, be completely in love, be perfect for each other.... but soul mates is just.... I dunno.

*knows some people like that* *was almost disappointed when two of them broke up*
In one sense I want to believe in them.
Why? Because it's what caused the Trojan War.
*loves that story*
XD You're not obsessed at all....

*doesn't deny it anymore*

*is obsessed with the Trojan War* So what?
Nothing, nothing at all. It's just funny.
How funny?

You must admit, it's beyond amazing.

So are Sophocles's plays. *is enjoying those beyond compare right now, too*
It just is. Like, it's not the typical thing people freak out over. You could be a squee fan!

Well, I don't really squee over it. Just make loads of references. Plus, can you be a squee over a single event which may or may not have ever happened? And I wouldn't say I 'freak out' over it, either.


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