....Or maybe I actually did do something that I'm just unaware of. .....No. I can't even say that without getting pissed off. I hate her too much to insult myself on her behalf. I have to actually like people to insult myself while being compared to them.
I don't even know, really. I mean... there's got to be some truth to it, anyway. But at the same time, I'm hearing all her complaints and they all basically translate to "she was unhappy when I lectured her for no reason, but she didn't complain anyway." Which isn't much. But if my dad takes it.... well, I'd have never seen this coming. I used to pretty much be able to count on my dad to at least hear me out. Anymore.... not so much. So it's kind of hard to predict what's gonna happen.
I don't honestly know. And this is coming from me, you know me, I can usually find horrible things about myself, and reasons why I think people hate me. But I haven't one reason for why she hates me.