Maximum Ride Unofficial Community

Protect the flock! From JP and Hachette!

Besides posting on here and replying to this thread. Original credit for this goes back to Fate and Nathan on MX.

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Maybe she just hates you because she's a cow who doesn't appreciate how wonderful you are. Or she's jealous that you get be young and pretty, while she's a thirty year old woman who still has to cry for attention..
*hugs back*

I..... meh. I dunno.

I know how you feel.
SHIT. I just typed out everything I worte plus some, and I was just going to save it, and now the damn OpenOffice is "Not responding." Fuck.

*has never typed/written/said that word before* 0.o

Edit- Nevermind. I got it back. :D It's getting saved NOW.
But I have to rewrite the last paragraph because it mysteriously disappeared.

*is really innocent, surprisingly*
It's pretty much got a permanent place in my daily vocabulary.
I figured it'd be a matter of time before I started cussing since I came here. XD Before I joined, there was no way I'd ever even say minor ones under my breath.
I have to remind myself that "fuck" is not a comma.


*rarely ever swears*
*virtually never swore before joining MX*
Me too. XD
Uhh...... So I'm just the only one who swore privately to my diary in second grade?


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